Monday, February 27, 2012


Depression is a mood disorder that makes you feel sad, and makes you want to be isolated from the world basically. When many people feel sad for a couple of hours, they usually say that they are under depression but true clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer. The cause of depression is not yet known, although many chemist believes it comes from chemical changes in the brain. It could come from stressful situations or it could even run in your family. But they believe it's both of those causes together. Depression can change or distort the way you see yourself, your life, and those around you. People who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude, unable to imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way. There are ways that you could get tested to see if you actually have a mood disorder or if you're just feeling sad for a temporary moment. There's also treatment for depression. I have family members that suffered from this mood disorder and it can be treated.

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